Getting started


The overarching objective of OFFERR is to support the SNETP Association to establish an operational scheme facilitating access for R&D experts to key nuclear science infrastructures – hereinafter referred to as “User Facilities” – through the channelling of financial grants provided by the Euratom programme.


The objective of the OFFERR project is to support the SNETP Association in setting up a system for R&D experts to facilitate access to key nuclear research infrastructures all over Europe. Its primary function is to serve as a conduit for financial support from the Euratom programme. This support is allocated by paying and granting access to user institutions that offer services to selected projects through OFFERR calls. Additionally, the project offers assistance to successful research teams who have applied through the calls and will engage in collaboration with the research institution.

To secure funding, it is essential to ensure that your project meets the eligibility criteria provided below. Once verified, you can explore the OFFERR catalogue to identify the facility that aligns with your project’s requirements. Through the OFFERR Call Platform, you can submit your application, selecting the appropriate cut-off date and project type (fast or complex) that you intend to lead.

The next cut-off date for project proposals (fast track and complex project) is September 30, 2024. All applicants will be informed shortly after about the status of their proposal.

OFFERR cut off dates

During the application phase, on the call platform, you can select to which cut off date you would like to apply:

Fast-track projects Complex projects
Cut-off dates Selection completed Cut-off dates Selection completed
16/05/2023 1.5 month later
30/09/2023 30/09/2023 2.5 month later
31/03/2024 31/03/2024
30/09/2024 30/09/2024
31/03/2025 31/03/2025
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